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I and R Minutes 12-6-13
Healthy Aging One-Stop Work Group
Minutes of December 6, 2013

Present: Rise Terney, Bea Phear, Armen Hanjian, Trudy Carter, Patsy McCornack, Tad Crawford, Peter Temple, Diane Jetmund, Paul Mohair, Martina Thornton, Kathleen Samways, Sandie Corr-Dolby, Tristan Israel, Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Julie Fay

Rise called the meeting to order at 11:00AM. It was explained that the group is part of the Dukes County Health Councilís Health Aging Task Force and there is a Coordinating Committee made up of conveners and some members of the Task Force. The charge for this work group and the template for organizing were reviewed.  

The model is based on the Youth Task Force: under the Health Council, with grant-funded staff located at the County and several work groups.

It was decided to focus on information and referral first, using the mini-grant application as a starting point.  We are to explore design issues and make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee with a work plan. There is the whole continuum of research and an IT architect to spec out what we need from a system and build an RFP.

In a wide-ranging discussion, issues that arose were about the definition of elderly, who would be responsible for implementation, the importance of a human voice, the need to track data for future grant applications, and the need for maintenance of any web site.  Would each organization be responsible for their own piece or one person for all?  The need for marketing was emphasized

The One-Stop is seen as a first stop in an integrated network that can educate and support the people who are already in the information and referral business, family members, professionals, and elders.  It is an interactive way to get into the system and to track date.  A goal is to connect the silos so information can flow between them.  This will eventually be a person and a web site ñ working with and for the various service providers.

There was discussion about referrals and Martina emphasized making sure that the appropriate professional is clarifying eligibility for programs. Trudy said she thought the CoAís are the pivotal place for most assistance.

Bea mentioned AIRS, The Alliance on Information and Referral Systems, a professional membership organization, as a resource which has a taxonomy already developed.

Guiding principles need to be developed that include that it be person centered and interactive.

Next steps:

Peter said that one of the Rural Scholars has a 40-hour commitment for community service and might be able to do work for us.  It was decided to ask the Coordinating Committee if we could use her to perform task “d” of the template: Learn about and describe other models and programs elsewhere: what they are and how do they work? What are the costs? Would any be appropriate for MV, or could some adaptation be made to work? The focus should be on rural models.  Patsy volunteered to be her link and house her.

Build a list of information wanted in what categories.

Consider how we will accomplish gathering existing information.

Look at existing web sites for features and elements we like.

Think about how to select the IT person.

Next Meeting:  Friday, January 10 at 11:00 AM at the Dukes County Offices